Hydroponic growers who really want the best of the best choose CANNA AQUA.
Precise nutrient control means high yields
Thanks to a meticulous control of the nutrient supply during the growing and flowering phase of plants, CANNA AQUA nutrients ensure a superior yield. The AQUA nutrients are fed directly to the plant’s roots.
User-friendly, no need to constantly adjust the pH
The formula is made so that the plants regulate the pH themselves. Therefore the pH in the nutrient tank remains within the optimum pH range. This means having set the correct starting pH, no further correction is necessary.
Plants do not absorb all nutrients in equal amounts and speed. This means that the composition and pH level of the nutrient solution changes over time. CANNA AQUA nutrients have been developed in such a way that the plants can always absorb the correct combination of nutritional elements that are necessary for optimum growth and bloom. Thanks to two different nutrient solutions for the vegetative (Aqua Vega) and generative (Aqua Flores) phase of the crop, the pH remains as stable as possible.
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